If you visit https://whitefield.edu, you'll notice a button about halfway down on the left side labeled "Summary" under "What are your doctrinal standards?" Click and read that Summary.
Look familiar?
It is the summary on American Vision's website, except for a few changes. AV took out "The Doctrine of Creation" and "The Doctrine of Hell."
So why do Whitefield and American Vision share a similar summary? Because Dr. Ken Talbot, who was President of Whitefield and a board member at AV, wrote the summary. It's possible he may have borrowed some language somewhere. It's possible others were involved. I don't know. But I do know that he sent that summary to me to put on the Seminary website around the same time he was telling me that he wanted to push AV to have one. Before that, American Vision's website did not have a summary of faith, and it bothered Dr. T greatly.
American Vision has that statement of faith because of Dr. Talbot. Obviously, edits were made from Dr. T's original version (see screenshots), but I don't why. Nor do I know how things went during that board meeting. Dr. T did not share those details with me...he simply came back and told me that AV's website will now have a statement of faith.
You should also know that Dr. Talbot eventually resigned from the board in July 2018. Dr. T told me that there were numerous reasons for his resignation, including the concerns I shared regarding Gary cozying up to hyper-preterists and not being clear about his own views. A particular concern of mine, shared with Dr. T leading up to his resignation, was a conference being advertised for August 2018 where invitees were to "Come Experience the Joy & Freedom of Fulfilled Eschatology" with American Vision (Gary DeMar and Joel McDurmon), hyper-preterist Glenn Hill, and hyper-preterist, anti-trinitarian, self-ordained 'pastor' Cindye Coates, as well as special music by "Rooted Worship," a praise group from Cindye's 'church.'
Gary claims that Dr. T never said anything to him about the dangers of hyper-preterism. While I have no idea what all they talked about in private and board meetings, I have serious doubts about Gary's claim. The push by Dr. Talbot for the AV website to have a statement of faith was fueled by that concern, among others, and Gary's coziness with hyper-prets became one reason to resign.